Room preparation and installation: setting the stage for success

Before measurement please ensure that:

  • Walls, floor, and ceiling are in place.

  • Plastering work has been completed.

  • The floor covering is installed.

  • For suspended ceilings, at least the framework must be in place.

  • Walls and floors must be straight.

Room preparation and installation tips


  • It is necessary to know the structure of the walls where something needs to be hung/attached. In the back wall of the kitchen, there must be OSB, another wooden material, or concrete behind the drywall.

  • Note! Furniture cannot be attached to a single layer of drywall.

Scheme of wall construction
  • The estimated depth of kitchen and wardrobe furniture is at least 600mm.

  • If furniture is placed between walls, the niche must be at least 10mm wider on both sides than the planned furniture.

  • The niche must be of uniform width when measured from the front and back. The sides and the back wall of the niche must form right angles.

Depth of the wall niche for the kitchen
  • Painting work must definitely be completed before the furniture installation.

  • Since our installers only connect the furniture and appliances, it is necessary for a smooth installation that all work requiring other specialists is completed beforehand.

room is ready for the kitchen instalation

Trims and other details requiring attention

  • Keep in mind that decorative trims on doors and window sills near the furniture take up space.

  • If curtain rods and curtains are located near the furniture, space must be planned for them in advance.

Trims and other details requiring attention in the room before instalation.
  • It is necessary to know what type of floor trim is planned and where. It is good to agree with the builder on which floor trims will remain loose. Our installers will fix them at the end of the installation.

  • Note! If the builder fixes trims in the furniture area and our installers have to remove tightly glued trims, we do not take responsibility for any potential damages or repair them. Builders often tend to place trims without considering the furniture, so it is a good idea to discuss this with them in advance.

  • If instead of trims, there is an upward-facing edge made of stone floor tiles, our installers will not handle their removal and/or reinstallation.



  • Electrical solutions need to be planned in advance.

  • For every electrical source (appliances, small household devices, lights, etc.), power is required, and for some, an additional socket or switch is needed. If any of these are to be located on the kitchen island, electrical solutions must be planned for that as well.

  • Items running on low voltage, such as LED lights, require a transformer, which must remain accessible later.

Electricity in the room before installation of the kitchen.
  • The dimming of lights and the switching of sensors should be planned right from the start of the design process.

  • If possible, share the electrical project with us, including the panel diagram, where the numbering of groups is visible.

  • All wires should have markings that can be matched with the protections in the panel.

  • Note! It is a good idea to keep ceiling lighting, appliances, and socket electrical connections separate, in case the electrical system needs to be partially turned off, for example, during issues like flooding from a neighbor.


What to Expect During the Installation Process and How to Prepare

  • The room must be cleared of old furniture, and any loose items must be moved to another room. Installers also need space for assembling the furniture.

  • Our installers will cover their work paths and the necessary floor surfaces where furniture and components will be stored. The installers will handle the process with care, but we recommend that the client additionally cover or remove any furniture or items that may be damaged or are not required for the installation process.

What to Expect During the Installation Process and How to Prepare.
  • Installers need a quiet environment to do their work. We greatly appreciate our clients, children, and pets, but the smaller the group of people present during the installation, the better.

  • The installation time depends on the volume and complexity of the furniture. If the installation takes several days or longer, do not worry if the alignment of front panels appears uneven during the process. Adjustments are made in the final stage once all the furniture is in place.

  • The stone countertop is prepared by our partner and is usually installed within 1–2 weeks after the furniture installation. For the most precise result, it requires a separate measurement once the furniture is in place, and additional time is needed for its preparation. In the case of a stone countertop, the sink, stovetop, and other items located on the countertop are connected later.


Bedroom design: built-in furniture and optimising the use of space